Self Confidence is Crucial When Interviewing

🎉 Congratulations!! You’ve been selected to interview for a position you want very much.

Many times people will psych themselves out for an interview. They may approach it more as an interrogation rather than a conversation about their skills and experiences. The key to interviewing well is to believe in yourself. Remember the employer has reviewed all your application documents and believes you have the skills and experiences to do well in this role. The employer wants you to be the right candidate. So now it is your job to share your experience, background and develop rapport with the interviewer. And this all starts with self-confidence.

A great exercise for you to do before your interview is to seek input from your support team. Your support team members may consist of family, close friends, professors, a former supervisor and mentors. Give your support team a homework assignment, in this assignment you’re asking them what they consider to be your top three professional skills that will support you in this new role. Give them a day to respond. They can respond by email, by text message, or by phone call.

This exercise will support you in two ways. First off, it’s going to provide you with an inventory of your strengths and professional characteristics from external resources, the people who have seen you demonstrate these skills and qualities in the past. And it will provide you with a boost of needed confidence before your interview. Secondly, it now provides you with the theme that you can start to inject into your responses to interview questions. You should start thinking of specific examples where you have demonstrated the skills and characteristics.

Now that you have this strategy, start practicing!

Still need some help? Book a Practice Interview appointment with a Career Design Consultant, or practice your interview style at home with Big Interview.

By Wayne Porterfield
Wayne Porterfield Career Design Consultant