▶ Diplomat (Foreign Service Officer)
Diplomat (Foreign Service Officer) – Employed | Podcast on Spotify| 🎧 47-minute listen
In the season 2 finale, we speak with a United States diplomat. Hear Nicole’s experience of touring in Kenya and currently, South Korea. Learn about the process of becoming a diplomat, what an average day looks like in her position, and the advice she gives for anyone who thinks they might be interested in becoming a Foreign Service Officer.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Nicole’s Foreign Service Timeline: N&M: My Foreign Service Timeline (sbitani.com)
Current information on FSO careers and application process: Worldwide / Foreign Service – Careers (state.gov)
Pickering Fellowship: Home (pickeringfellowship.org)
Rangel Fellowship: Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Program (rangelprogram.org)
Diplomats in Residence: Connect with a Diplomat – Careers (state.gov)
GAO report on demographics and diversity: State Department: Additional Steps Are Needed to Identify Barriers to Workforce Diversity | U.S. GAO
Tweet from Nairobi Comic-Con: U.S. Embassy Nairobi on Twitter: “Obi-Wan Kenobi (a.k.a. Amb. @BobGodec) battling Darth Vader at #naiccon2017! May the Force be with you! #USKePartnership https://t.co/UsXss1gHtS” / Twitter
Tianna Spears’ account on being a Black Foreign Service Officer: What Do I Want from White People? (An Illustration on Being Black in America) – What’s Up With Tianna? (whatsupwithtianna.com)
That is it for season 2! Check back in June 2021 for season 3 when we talk with a flight attendant, attorney, new producer and more!