Aiona Lawrence

Community Assistant at University at Buffalo. As a Business Analytics MS student at UB School of Management, I aspire to apply my data analysis and visualization skills to solve real- world problems and create value for organizations. I have learned and become proficient in technical skills …

Steven Katz

Senior Advisor at Claltech. Proven senior-management experience in real estate, venture capital, finance, operations, and investments. Career accomplishments include: • Acquisition of approximately $80M of real estate assets generating average annual cash-on-cash returns >15% • Led numerous multi-stage venture investments with a return performance …

Michael Ayalon

Chief Executive Officer at Greek University. On September 15, 2015, I read an article in the NY Times that discussed 5 students at Baruch College who were facing murder charges for a 2013 fraternity hazing incident. Baruch College quickly announced a three year ban on recruitment …

Jiwon Choi

Research Assistant at University of Arizona. I am a 2nd year PhD in Optical Sciences at The University of Arizona, under the supervision of Dr. Florian Willomitzer in Computational 3D Imaging and Measurement Lab (3DIM).  Prior to joining my PhD program, I was a data engineer …