
Affinity/Identity Communities 

No matter your major or background, finding your path in life can feel overwhelming. That’s why we’ve created a supportive framework to help you explore career pathways aligned with your unique identity and interests. 

What are Affinity/Identity Communities? 

Affinity/Identity Communities are inclusive spaces where students can connect with others who share similar backgrounds, experiences, and identities. Led by dedicated guides and supported by peers, alumni, and mentors, these communities provide personalized guidance and support for your career journey. 

Why Join an Affinity/Identity Community? 

Joining an Affinity/Identity Community offers numerous benefits: 

  • Personalized Support: Receive guidance tailored to your identity and experiences from dedicated community guides. Connect with peers, alumni, and mentors who understand your unique journey and can offer valuable insights and advice. 
  • Exclusive Opportunities: Gain access to events, job postings, and internship opportunities specifically curated for your community. Connect with alumni and employers who are committed to supporting students from diverse backgrounds. 
  • Career and Life Resources: Access a toolkit designed to support you at every step of your career exploration journey. Stay informed about trends in your field, explore informative resources, and receive personalized recommendations for maximizing your opportunities. 


“Connection” is all about engaging with professional associations and networks that resonate with our unique backgrounds, like being BIPOC or part of the LGBTQ+ community. These groups aren’t just about networking; they’re lifelines. They provide chances to meet mentors who get what it’s like to navigate the professional world with our identities. Being part of these associations is like having a career compass that aligns with who we are and where we want to go. 


“Support” is like a safety net, both on and off-campus. Imagine having counseling services that understand the unique challenges we face or mentorship programs that guide us through not just academics but also our personal and professional growth. These resources are like trusty companions, helping us overcome hurdles and thrive in our academic and future professional pursuits. 


“Community” is our anchor in this vast university sea. It’s about finding clubs, organizations, and events where we can truly belong. These spaces are where we meet friends who understand our journey, share experiences, and collaborate. Being part of this community isn’t just about fitting in; it’s about thriving together, personally and professionally. 


“Opportunities” are like the golden tickets to our dreams. Imagine job listings not just looking for skills but valuing diversity, or scholarships that acknowledge and reward our unique perspectives. This section is about ensuring we don’t just find opportunities but the right opportunities that align with who we are and where we come from. 


How to Get Involved: 

  • Explore: Browse through our list of Affinity/Identity Communities and find the ones that resonate with your background and experiences. 
  • Join: There’s no limit to how many communities you can join, and you can change your mind at any time. Select the communities that align with your identity and interests, and join us on this transformative journey. 
  • Engage: Dive into your chosen Affinity/Identity Communities, participate in events, connect with peers and mentors, and make the most of the resources and opportunities available to you. 


In Affinity/Identity Communities, we believe in empowering you to explore career pathways that reflect your unique identity and interests. Join us, and together, let’s discover the opportunities that await you in your chosen field. Welcome to a supportive and inclusive community where your identity is celebrated, and your potential knows no bounds. 


There are 9 identity/affinity communities: