The Association of Black Sociologists is committed to maintaining and cultivating a prophetic tradition of scholarship, mentoring, service, and social justice.
Founded in 1970, the Association of Black Sociologists emerged out of a series of conversations in the Caucus of Black Sociologists about how to best advocate for the interests of Black sociologists and Black people domestically and globally. Since its inception, the organization has supported and cultivated scores of Black social scientists and Black community activists in service of intellectual and social organizing for the betterment of Black folks’ lives at all intersections.
Our Key Objectives
- Enhance the transmission of sociological knowledge to Black and other historically disenfranchised groups;
- Provide perspectives for the analysis of the experiences of Blacks and other minority groups as well as knowledge for understanding and resolving the varied problems these groups confront;
- Stimulate and improve the quality of sociological research, teaching, and service;
- Promote a substantial increase in the numbers of professionally trained Black/minority sociologists and encourage their active participation in all areas of sociology;
- Promote the individual and collective interests of Black/minority sociologists; and
- Protect the professional rights and safeguard the civil rights of Black/minority sociologists against repression that may arise from their epistemological perspectives and/or activities related to the aforementioned objectives.