Nobody’s immune to bad days at work. You’ve had them too, right? Your to-do list and inbox feel like a giant game of whack-a-mole you can barely keep up with. You’re convinced you stuck your foot in your mouth during …
Taking time off
Author: Christina Kay | Date published: July 1, 2016 | 8-minute read
Source: Why you should join the Peace Corps straight out of college
Joining the Peace Corps straight out of college can be a great idea.
You have the opportunity to …
Moving towards your future in an uncertain world.
March 3, 2022
Carl Remmes | 4-minute read
I have been thinking quite a bit about the student experience in the past week. Whether you have been a student for part of one …
In this episode, hosts Christina and Yasmin talk about the challenges that post-pandemic graduates will be facing in the job market. The ladies also speak with Journalist and Author Rainesford Stauffer about managing expectations as a new graduate and her …