If you go through life with tunnel vision, you might miss some chances for luck 🍀 to find you. Instead, as you pursue goals, remember failure is not a setback it is a next step.
Be open–people who follow their curiosity and ask for help along the way:
- Are skilled at creating and noticing opportunities.
- Make good decisions by listening to their intuition.
- Create opportunities through positive expectations.
- Adopt a resilient attitude that transforms hard events into “learning opportunities.”
🔁Try it!
- Brainstorm a list of all the times you failed. Hello, we’ve all failed many times so don’t be shy!
- Instead of writing #fail make a list of hashtags that show all the things you learned from those failures.
- Example–#newskill #connections #idontwanttodothatagain #newhobby #friends #foundwhatiwanttodo #failforward
Hint 👉 Check out these #fail stories
- Redefining Failure (w/Sabry Tozin) Podcast
- 4 Ways Successful People Bounce Back from Failure
- Failing into your dream career
- The failed experiment that won Star Wars sound designer Ben Burtt an Oscar | Roadtrip Nation Video